Monday 12 March 2012


When I see youths, especially students, playing away their time, wasting their energy and ruining their only opportunity to make a difference in life with reckless passion, i can’t but shed secret tears. I fear the inevitable future ahead of them: life of misery, wanton poverty and infinite regret.

To say the least, God has been generous, impartial and merciful to us for giving us equal platform to begin life race. Every man has got a pair of legs, a pair of hands, a pair of eyes, one head, 24 hours per day and the right of choice. Therefore, if you fail, it’s your choice and your fault; if you succeed, it is your choice also.

The scenario is often like this. As a child, he looks forward to his youth with painful pleasure, nursing secretly his wild dream to conquer, rule and influence his world. Eventually, he becomes a youth faced with the strange and bitter miracle of life and the right of choice; choice of whom he wants to be and what he wants out of life, choice of success or failure, misery or happiness, wealth or poverty. Usually, but unfortunately, he is cornered by the serpent, self doubt and fear and so joins the crowd; the reckless, unprofitable, wayward and visionless crowd. He loses focus and the opportunity of a lifetime of fulfilment, bliss and peace slips away forever.

Again as an adult, he is faced with the reality of his fruitless end and he looks back with infinite tears and regrets, wishing for an opportunity to relive his youth again. He realises that once he has everything but uses nothing; once he has the world on his fingertip but fails to conquer and once he is so talented and energetic but mad and lost. A bitter memory he must lament till the dying light dies.


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