Wednesday 8 August 2018


Hello friends,

Its another wonderful day right here. As a matter of fact, I've been motivated to create this post to help some of my students that have been showing lack of confidence and I feel totally unhappy seeing them killing their God-given talents. I'm feeling pretty confident and I want to share with you all a few tricks that will boost your self-confidence. So lets go ahead!

What is Self-Confidence?
Simply put, Self-confidence is the belief in oneself and ones abilities, it describe an internal state made up of what we feel and think about ourselves. If you belief in yourself and your abilities at any time, we can agree that you are self-confident.

There are times when the you feel down and low in self-confidence and there are times you feel full of confidence. Most times your present state of self-confidence or otherwise may be as a result of your past experiences. If you've always had wonderful experiences, the confidence level may be high always. If you have had bitter experience(s), this can lead to a bad state of mind and your self-confidence will take a free fall. At this point, you must understand that, what has happened is in the past and your ability to release yourself from the prison of your past will have a greater effect in your current state of mind and your future.

Self-confidence is not a magical or mystical thing. Either you have it or not,it can be developed. I have identified few things that I have done that have dramatically and tremendously impacted my self-confidence and today I want to share them with you.

1. Eliminate negative people from your live
Negativity is contagious than any form of contagious diseases. If you surround yourself with negative little pieces of cancerous people in your life, they directly impact your confidence level in a negative way. Negative nasty people, I mean bad nasty people. You must get rid of these negative people. The bad thing is, they are everywhere, at school, in the family, friends, co-workers etc. They are energy vampires as they suck up the drive to success and determination in you. So you have to get rid of them. If your friends do not have any positive impact on you, why staying with them?. It might be pretty tough in the immediate but in the long run it pays. 

2. Compliment others
How does it feel getting compliments from people? Yeah, It feels incredible. The thing about compliment is this: when somebody gives you a compliment, you tend to like them more, automatically. You'll be like, I thought he was a jack, so he is this cool. Wow! The beauty here is that the person that receives compliment feels incredible and you feel great for making him/her feel incredible and they like you more. The other good thing about giving compliment is that it helps you develop your people skill leading to self-confidence and increase your social prowess.

3. Have a good body (shape) 
Do something for your body everyday. This might be taking a walk, jogging, doing fitness exercise that will give your body a good shape. You can be doing 40 push-ups, 15 sit-ups, it doesn't matter how little or much, just keep doing something consciously for your body everyday. Apart from that, you must also consider your diet, eat balanced diet. Eat good protein, including chicken lean beef and fish. Healthy fats like egg, avocado, nuts and seeds and stop eating starchy carbs, high sugar fruits and fizzy fruit. When you start to take care of your body, there is a direct impact on the way you feel about yourself and your self-confidence skyrockets.

4. Develop your brain
Everyday your brain is hungry and you need to feed it. What do you feed it with? Knowledge. Give it knowledge, stimulate it, make it think. Unfortunately, people are afraid or lazy to think these days. If you give your brain much knowledge, you tend to think creatively, constructively and critically. Go read a book, newspaper and get your brain filled with the right knowledge and you'll be respected based on what you know and can relate with. With your level of knowledge, your confidence snowballed.

5. Help somebody everyday
You can imagine how good and amazing you feel after you do something nice for someone, not because you've got money or because a bunch of other people see it. You just do something good as if its a normal thing to do and of course it is a normal thing but then some people do good for the sake of "I did that" and "I want them to know". Just let the good come from the depth of your heart and you'll feel fulfilled having done good to someone else. Do it for the sake of God and see you self-confidence grow.

There you have it. I have been using the above to boost my confidence and I can assure you, if you can sincerely adopt, try and use it, you are on the verge of having a perfect self-confidence.

And don't forget to keep smiling , its another self-confidence booster.

If you feel this information is quite useful, drop a comment in the comment section below.


1 comment:

  1. Wow! Great right up. I'm gained value



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