Sunday 5 August 2018



Often times, I've heard students complain about not having the confidence to stand up and ask questions in the classroom during lesson. One of the noticeable things that happen in the class during the teaching and learning process is that some students lack the confidence to stand up and ask the teacher questions. Their reason is that they may get shut down by colleagues. Yes! It is true that we have student (boys and girls) that have taken it as a job to be booing or shouting at their colleagues when they try to ask questions. Some have claimed to have some reasons while others have none. Be that as it may, shutting a colleague down in the process of asking a question is not cool.

A typical classroom is filled with students with myriads of individual differences. These individual differences can be in terms of strength, intelligence, smartness or whatever adjective you can use. We have students that are fast at understanding concepts or ideas while some will go through series of explanations before assimilating. Some are good at one subject than the others and that is how it is  everywhere. A teacher is expected to identify such individual differences and be able to manage the classroom situation to cater for all level of differences. Having known your ability and strength, you should never feel restrained from questioning if you have any.

A student who wants to ask question to get more understanding of a fact or concept need not fear any intimidation from his/her colleagues. He/she should go ahead and ask the teacher. Though, in some situation, students that do not pay attention while the teacher was explaining may want to ask a question thereby retarding the pace of the teaching and learning process. Such a student may be considered not serious and this act can infuriate the others and thereby engendering the kind of reaction from them. As much as they don't have the right not to allow anyone that wants to ask questions to do so, the questioner also must understand he/she is there to learn and paying undivided attention in the class is a priority. It is unethical, unwise and wrong of you to shout or try to shut anyone down whatever the reason. Allow the teacher to handle the classroom management.

You should know that asking questions is one way of getting some form of clarifications on a certain learning task or topic being taught in the classroom. This questioning and subsequent clarification increase your knowledge and understanding. It must be noted that you may forget the question you may want to ask if you get you bum glued to the chair and your mouth sealed during the teaching and learning. Should you have no other means of knowing what you intend to ask question about, this may affect your academic performance in that subject at the long run. Also, remember that you haven't come to the school from the same home and none of these people that shut you down paid your tuition fee. Should you fail as a result of this, your parent wont listen to this excuse.

So next time you have questions to ask or any clarification to make in the course of teaching and learning, be bold, stand up and ask your questions. If they yell at you, assume it the dogs backing. Remember, the teacher is ready to listen to you.

See you on the other side. Enjoy!.

If you feel you are not confident enough or you lack self-esteem, Click on the link below to read on the SECRET OF BOOSTING SELF-CONFIDENCE.

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