Wednesday 20 January 2021






Review of first term examination




·         Definition of output devices

·         Examples of output devices

·         Structure of the CRT monitor

·         Types of Printers

·         Differences between Printer and monitor



·         Definition of system software

·         Types of system software

·         Definition and functions of Operating system

·         GUI and CLI



·         Definition of application software and types

·         Examples of application packages



·         Definition of Programming language

·         Levels of programming language

·         Characteristics of each level of programming language

·         Differences among the levels of programming languages

·         Examples of programming languages



·         BASIC character set, operators data types, keyword, variable/constant, expressions, statements

·         BASIC program examples


Output devices are devices that enable the computer to communicate the results of data processing carried out by it to the user. These devices enable the computer to display text, graphics (pictures and images) or produce sound. Examples of output devices include monitor, printer, speaker, plotter, braille embosser etc.

Features and uses of output devices

  1. Monitor: The monitor, also called Visual Display Unit (VDU) is a TV-like structure attached to the System Unit through the VGA cable. It displays text and graphics (images). The content showing on the monitor is called a soft copy.
  2. Printer: A printer is a device attached to the System Unit through the USB cable or other types of cable. It is used to produce the information showing on the monitor on paper, transparencies, and plastic. Such a printout is called a hardcopy.
  3. Speaker: A speaker is a device used for producing sound captured by the microphone or music in mp3, wav, etc. formats. Speakers come in different forms such as headphones, earphone (canal phones), headset etc. and can also be used with portable devices such as mp3 player, mobile phones etc.
  4. Plotter: A special type of printer used for printing drawings, charts, maps etc. using multi-coloured automated pens. It is usually used by architects, engineers and surveyors. Though they are rarely used now and are being replaced by wide-format conventional printers, which can produce high-quality graphics.
  5. Projector:  A device that helps directs the content on a display screen (monitor) onto a particular flat surface.
  6. Braille Embosser: is a device that can generate the printed material using the braille writing system for blind or visually impaired users.

Structure and type of CRT monitor

The Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) used as a computer monitor was invented by Karl Ferdinand Braun. This monitor employs the CRT technology used most commonly in the manufacturing of television screens. In this, a stream of intense high energy electrons is used to form images on a fluorescent screen. A cathode ray tube is basically a vacuum tube containing an electron gun at one end and a fluorescent screen at another end. From this electron gun, a process called thermionic emission generates a strong beam of electrons. These electrons travel through a narrow path within the tube with high speed using various electro-magnetic devices and finally strike the phosphor points present on the fluorescent screen, thus creating an image. Today, CRT monitor are being replaced with flat Plasma screen, Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) and Light Emitting Diode (LED).

Types of monitor

There are two types of monitor, namely:

1. Monochrome monitor: This monitor displays its characters in only one colour. The colour could be white, green or amber. Looking at the monochrome monitor, one can see two colours; one colour for the background and one for the foreground. The two colour combinations can therefore be black and white, green and black or amber and black.

2. Colour monitor: This monitor displays information in colours. It is similar to a colour television but it handles data more quickly and has a sharper output.

Types of printer

There are two types of printer, namely impact and non-impact printers.

I. IMPACT PRINTERS: This type of printer behaves like a typewriter whereby a character is printed when a metal slug strikes on a carbon ribbon. Impact printers have contact with the surface of the paper. Examples of impact printer include the following:

A. DOT MATRIX printer: This prints characters and graphic images by impacting a ribbon and transferring dots of ink onto the paper. It prints dot matrix characters by pressing the end of selected wires against ribbon and paper. The dots are used to form the characters and images on the paper.

B. LINE printer: This prints a line of character at a time. The output speed is between 200 to 3000 lines per minute (LPM)

C. CHARACTER printer: This prints one character at a time moving across the paper. The output speed range from 200 to 400 characters per second (cps)


Non-impact printer creates images on paper in a manner similar to that of a photocopying machine. They do not have contact with the surface of the paper. Examples include:

A. INK JET printer: This prints by spraying small streams of quick-drying ink onto the paper and using it to form characters, shapes and images. The ink is stored in disposable ink cartridges, which can be black or coloured. They are found in homes and offices.

B. LASER printer: This uses an electrically charged drum to transfer toner or dry ink onto paper like the photocopier does. It traces an image by using a computer-controlled laser beam.

C. THERMAL printer: This prints by transferring dots of ink or dye from a ribbon onto paper and passing the ribbon and the paper across a line of heating elements. The characters are produced with a print head containing a matrix of small heating elements. This printer is very quiet in operation because the printer head does not strike the paper.




Makes noise while printing

Does not make noise while printing

Produces low quality images

Produces high quality images

Uses ribbon to print

Uses ink (dry and wet) to print

Does not have heating element

Has heating element that dries the ink on paper

Prints only one colour at a time

Can print more than one colour at a time

Has striking pins/heads that strike the characters or dots on paper

Does not have striking pin heads to strike characters on paper





Has screen

Has no screen

Uses no ribbon, ink, cartridge or toner

Uses ribbon, cartridge,  ink or toner

Uses no paper

Uses paper and printable medium

Display texts, images and pictures

Prints text, images and pictures on paper

Some have vacuum tubes or a liquid crystal

Has no vacuum tube or a liquid crystal

Has no paper tray

Some have paper tray



Definition of software

A computer software (or software) is a general term used to describe a set of instructions usually called a program, which control the operation of a computer or used to accomplish a specific task.

Types of software

Software can be broadly divided into two, namely:

i. System software: This software helps direct and control the running of computer’s hardware and other connected devices. It helps to manage computer resources such as memory and processor. Examples include Operating system, Translators and utility software.

ii. Application software: This software enables the computer to perform specific tasks. Examples include word processing package, spreadsheet package, game software etc.

Types of System software

1. Operating system: Operating system is a suite/set (collection) of programs/software that controls the execution of application programs and coordinates/manages the hardware components. It can also be defined as a set of programs that controls and manages computer resources/components and provides other useful services. The purpose of an operating system is to provide an environment in which a user can execute programs in a convenient and efficient manner.

 Functions of Operating system

i.                    Serves as an interface between the user and the computer/hardware and software

ii.                  Access control/ System Security: By means of password and other similar access control techniques the OS prevents unauthorized access to programs and data.

iii.                Controls program execution: The OS runs and control all other system programs and application software

iv.                 Booting/Starting up the computer: The operating system manages the starting up of the computer

v.                   Controls hardware resources

vi.                 File-system manipulation (for users and their programs) - read and write files and directories, create and delete them, search them, list file Information, permission management.

vii.               Control over system performance:  The OS records the delay between the request for a service and the response from the system and manages the situation accordingly.

viii.             Protects the system from errors and failures/error handling

ix.                 Task management: The OS gives control to the program the user brings to the foreground (from among multiple opened programs).

x.                   Device management: The device management function controls hardware devices by using special software called device drivers, which are installed in the operating system. This makes the operating system recognize the device.

xi.                 Memory management

Examples of Operating system

Operating system can be grouped into two, namely, the Graphical User Interface (GUI) and the Command Line Interface (CLI).

·         The GUI group makes use of windows, icons, mouse, scroll bar, and Pointer. In this group, we have the Microsoft series (Windows 95, 98, NT/2000, ME, XP, Vista, 7, 8,10), Chrome OS, Apple System 7 and macOS, Linux variants like Ubuntu.

·         The CLI group includes the IBM Disk Operating system (DOS) that is phased out, the Microsoft Disk Operation System (MS-DOS) and UNIX. The Command line is a text-based interface that allows the user to interact with the computer system by typing in commands (instructions).

2. Translators: Translators are programs that convert programs written in languages other than the machine language to machine language. Examples are Assembler, Interpreter and compiler.

3. Utility Software: Utility software is system software designed to help analyze, configure, optimize or maintain the operation of a computer, its devices, or its software. Examples include disk utilities like defragmenters, compressors and cleaner. There are also other operating system utilities such as antivirus programs, registry cleaners, Screen saver, file viewer (windows explorer), editors and system restoration programs. Utility softwares are built into the computer operating system, however may be installed separately.


Application softwares are the programs that enable computer to perform specific productive task.

Types of application software

1. User application development program: This kind of software is used to develop programs usually called in-house programs, which are customized to perform specific functions for the user such as administration, payroll, production control, banking, inventory etc. Examples include NetBeans, Eclipse, Android studio etc.

2. Application packages: The application packages are software packages that perform generalized functions and are produced for the general public to use. This category of software can be grouped based on their functions as listed below:

  1.       Database management: Examples include Microsoft Access, Oracle, MySQL, Dbase etc. which are used for creating, maintaining and updating databases (collection of related information).
  2. Word processing: Examples include Microsoft Word, Lotus WordPro, Corel WordPerfect, Professional Write etc. are used to create document such as letter, memos made up of textual and graphical information.
  3. Spreadsheet, calculation and data analysis: Examples include Microsoft Excel, Amipro, Quattro Pro, Lotus 1-2-3 etc. which contains grids of cells arranged in rows and columns used for entering data for calculation and analysis.
  4. Graphic designing: Examples include Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop, Paint etc. which can be used to draw and make designs related to graphics.
  5.  Slide presentation: Examples include Microsoft PowerPoint, Impress, Prezi etc. which contains collection of slides used to hold information that can be presented in form of slide show.
  6.  Email management: Examples include Microsoft Outlook, MS Exchange etc. which contains tools for sending and receiving electronic mail (e-mail).


Computer programming is the specification of instructions that a computer follows to perform a particular task.

A computer program is a sequence of instructions that tells a computer what to do and how to do it.

A programming language is a language used to write instructions for the computer. Programming language, like any human language has rules and grammar that governs the formation of a statement.

The syntax of a language describes the possible combinations of symbols that form a correct statement. The meaning given to these combinations of symbols is called semantics.

Levels of programming

  1.                 Machine language: Is a system of instructions and data directly understood by the computer’s CPU. These instructions and data are combinations of sequence of bits (0’s and 1’s) with different patterns corresponding to different commands to the machine.
  2. ii)                  Assembly language: This language uses abbreviations or symbolic letter codes (mnemonics) to write each machine-language instruction. The letter codes are used in place of binary digits. Programs written in Assembly language are translated into machine language by an Assembler.
  3. iii)                High level language: The instructions of this language are written using words that are very close to human languages and algebra-type expression. They are closer to human understanding and are translated into machine language by a compiler or an interpreter.

Both machine and assembly languages are also called low level languages.

Features/characteristics of each level of programming language

i)                 Machine language

1.      These instructions consist of binary numbers (set of 0’s and 1’s)

2.      This language is machine dependent i.e. instructions written for a particular type of computer can only be executed on that particular machine.

3.      It is very hard for people to write and understand thus making the programs error prone.

4.      Each CPU design has its own machine language, which is the set of instructions that the CPU of that machine understands and executes.

ii)                  Assembly language

1.      Uses mnemonics (symbolic operation codes) and operands (symbolic storage address).

2.      Machine dependent

3.      For any assembly language instruction, one machine language instruction is generated.

4.      It illustrates fundamentals of computer construction and operation.

iii)             High level languages

1.      Machine independent: programs written or compiled on one type of Computer can be executed (run) on different type of computer that has different architecture.

2.      It uses instructions that seem English-like and thus closer to human understanding.

3.      Easy to detect errors

4.      Consists of well-defined syntax and standard.

5.      Requires a compiler to translate into machine language before the computer can execute them.

6.      Programs written in HLL are called source code and the compiled version is called object code.

Comparison of levels of Programming Languages




Difficult to learn, write and debug

It is difficult but easier than machine language

It is easier to learn, write and debug

It is machine dependent

Machine dependent

Machine independent

Does not require a translator

Requires a translator called Assembler

Requires a translator called a compiler or interpreter

Instructions consist of binary digits (1’s and 0’s)

Instructions consist of symbols and mnemonics

Instructions consist of English-like words, symbols and numeric.


Examples of Programming Language

The following are some of the many programming languages:

Python, Ada, Algol, APL, BASIC, C, C++, C#, COBOL, FORTRAN, Java, JavaScript, LISP, Pascal, PHP, Perl, Python, Visual Basic etc



The BASIC programming language was developed in 1964 by John G. Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz at Dartmouth College. BASIC is an acronym that stands for “Beginner’s All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code”

Basic Character Set

A character set is simply a list of letters, numbers and symbols that provide one with the characters used in a particular language. BASIC as a language has its own character set, they include the following:

·         Alphabets characters (A to Z or a to z)

·         Numeric character (0, 1 to 9) including hexadecimal characters.

·         Special characters that perform special functions in BASIC

Arithmetic operators






For multiplication, e.g. A*B or (3*5)



For subtraction, e.g. M-N or (4-1)



For addition, e.g. K+N or (1+6)


Forward slash

For real division, e.g. A/B or (7/3)=2.33


Bask slash

For integer division, e.g. P\G or (7\3)=2



For exponentiation, e.g. A^B or (7^3)

Relational (Comparison) Operator





Equal to



Greater than



Less than


> =

Greater than or Equal to

A >=B

< =

Less than or Equal to

A <= B

Data types

Data type is a description of the set of values and the basic set of operation that can be applied to values of the type.

i)                    Integers: a positive or negative number without decimal. It has a range of values from -32,768 to 32,767. Each value is stored using 2 bytes of memory (storage) space.

ii)                  Real numbers: numbers with fractional parts or with a decimal point. It is stored using 4 bytes of memory space.

iii)                Boolean: consist of only two values; “YES and NO” or “True or False” or 1 or 0.

iv)                String: a sequence of characters in double quote. For example, “Computer Studies” is a string value with 16 characters. Each character is stored using 8 bits (one byte) in the ASCII character set and two byte in the UNICODE character set. Alphabet is represented in ASCII.


Keywords are words that have special meaning and function in BASIC. Such words must be used strictly according to their functions, otherwise the computer will respond with error message.

Here are some of the BASIC keywords and their uses





Make comment about an instruction or about the whole program

10 REM Program to add two numbers


Used to ask the user to supply the data to be processed while the program is executing



Used to display the output of operation on the screen

PRINT “The values”, A,B


Used to assign a value to a variable

3 LET A=5


Used to tell the computer that the data to be processed is supplied within the program statements. Used together with DATA keyword



Used to show the computer the data it is asked to read in the READ statement. Used along with READ keyword.

10 DATA 4,7


To end the program


Variables and Constant

Variable is an identifier or a name of a memory location where data (values) can be placed or stored. Because the value placed in a memory location can be changed at any time, we call such memory location “a variable”. However, when the value of a memory location is not to be changed, we refer to such memory location as “constant”.

Declaration of Variables and Constants

When you are to supply data to the computer for processing, you are required to state the data type. This help the computer to interpret it and an appropriate storage space is reserved for the data. To achieve this, the keyword DIMENSION (or DIM) is used to specify the data type. For example, variable Name and Pie are to hold “character and real” data values respectively. This can be written in BASIC as follows:

1.      DIM Char Name, INT Age, REAL Height

2.      DIM Name AS Char, Age AS INT, Height AS Real

3.      DIM Name$, Age%, Height!

Rules for naming Variable

1.      Every variable must begin with an English alphabet (A to Z or a to z).

2.      The name must not be more than 40 characters in length.

3.      Names can be alphanumeric (combinations of alphabet and numbers).

4.      Name must not be any keyword

5.      Do not include a blank space in the name.

Basic Expression

A BASIC expression is formed when two or more character, strings, variables or constant are combined with arithmetic, relational or logical operators

Examples include:

1.      F2 + 7 (add 7 to the value in the variable F2)

2.      A+ B (add the value in A to the value in B)

Arithmetic operation precedence

The rule that guides the order in which operation must be performed in an expression is known as “precedence” rule.





( )









*or /







Modulo (remainder)


+ or -

Addition or subtraction

BASIC statements

A BASIC statement is any valid instruction given to the computer for processing of data. BASIC statement may be an expression, an assignment, a reserved word (keyword) with or without arguments or their logical combinations

1.      Declaration statement: Every variable in a program must be declared before it can be used. A variable must be declared with appropriate data type. Example of declaration statements are:

DIM Age AS Integer

DIM Name AS Character

2.      Assignment statement: This statement causes a computer to store a value in a variable. The statement has two sides separated by the equality sign (=).

Name = “Computer Studies”

Age = 16

3.      Input statement: This statement is used to ask the user to supply the data to be processed while the program is executing.

INPUT Name$, Age%       (This statement is not interactive)

INPUT “Enter the Name and Age”, Name, Age          (This statement is interactive)

4.      READ and DATA statement: The READ statement is used to supply data into the program, but unlike the INPUT statement, the programmer supplies the data inside the program codes using the DATA keyword.

READ “Enter Name and Age”, Name$, Age%

DATA “Obasa Mustapha”, 20

5.      PRINT statement: This statement is used to show the result of data processed.


QBASIC program examples


1    REM This program calculates the area of any rectangle and print the length, width, and area.

2    ‘To calculate the Area of a Rectangle we must know its length and width"

3    Length = 10

4    Width = 6

    Area = length * breadth

6    PRINT “Area is “, Area

7    END


10 REM program to solve a quadratic equation

20 INPUT “Enter coefficients a, b, c “; a,b,c

30 Discrim = b^2 – 4*a*c

40 If Discrim > 0 then

50 Dummy = sqr(Discrim)

60 PRINT “There are 2 distinct roots”

70 PRINT “first root (X1) = “; (-b + dummy)/(2*a)

80 PRINT “Second root (X2) = ”; (-b –dummy)/ (2*a)

90 ELSEIF Discrim = 0 THEN

91 PRINT “There is only 1 root, the 2 roots coincide”

92 PRINT “double root = ”;  - b / (2*a)


94 PRINT “The roots are imaginary”

95 Dummy = sqr (- discrim)

96 PRINT “Real part = “; - b /(2*a)

97 PRINT “Imaginary part = ”; dummy/(2*a)


99 END


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