Monday 21 January 2013


Hello guys,

Today, I want to teach you how to uninstall from the Command Prompt. So stick keep calm and read the follow the instructions below.


    • 1
      Open the "Command Prompt Window". For most versions of Windows, this can be done quite simply by clicking your "Start" button, clicking "Run", then typing the letters "CMD" in the dialog box that pops up.
      For some newer versions of Windows, when "Classic View" is not enabled, the run command may not be directly available from the start menu. Instead, you should click "start", then navigate to All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt.
    • 2
      Open the WMI Command-line Tool by typing in the letters "WMIC" and hit the return/enter key. This will change the directory from your C drive to wmic:root\cli.

3.      Request a list of programs currently installed on the computer. To do this, type or copy and paste the  exact phrase "product get name" in the command prompt window.
  • Remember in DOS that the control + v paste function does not work so you will instead need to right click and manually select "paste"
  • 4.      Type in the phrase "product where name="product name" call uninstall.
    Replace "product name" with the exact name of the program you wish to install as it is written in the list that was populated in the previous step.
    You will be asked to confirm the removal of the program. Simply type in the letter "y" and hit the return/enter key to continue with the uninstall, or the letter

    Tips & Warnings

    • Don't forget that you must have administrative privileges on your computer in order to be able to uninstall programs using the DOS.
    • Be patient when waiting on command prompts to execute. The cursor may sit there for a few minutes during certain commands, particularly the "product get name" command which searches the entire computer for installed programs.
    • GUIs for uninstallation of programs and components is by far the safer and easier way to go for most people. If you are unsure about the programs or components you are uninstalling it is always best to use the built-in interface for performing these actions.


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