Sunday 24 January 2016


Hello friend,  permit me to introduce to you a life changing opportunity.

Ever heard of it? ....Well if not u are welcome, this an online marketing company that uses a multi-level marketing system, specially designed to help you and I attain financial freedom we crave for.

This is how you can make $500,000+ in 6 months.

Step 1. Join Four Corners Alliance Group for only a one-time payment of $18 
2. Invite 4 friends
3. Help them refer 4 people
4. They duplicate the process 6 times (level 1 to 6)
5. You Earn $559,824

Level 1: You invite 4 people you earn $16. Your work is done
Level 2. Those 4 invite 4 people= 16 people, you earn $64
Level 3. Those 16 sign-up 4 people= 64 people, you earn $640
Level 4. Those 64 sign-up 4 people= 256 people, you earn $6,144
Level 5. Those 256 sign up 4 people= 1,024 people, you earn $61,440
Level 6. Those 1,024 sign up 4 people = 4,096 people, you earn $491,20,  A total of $559,824

And all you'll do is pay a one-time $18 and invite ONLY 4 people ASAP (within a month or less) and help them get 4 and you are done.

Also, a lot of residual income have been made possible.
* 100% matching commissions from everybody you directly refer(i. e. As your 4 sign-ups earn $559,824, you get 100% matching bonus)

The products that 4 corners sell is a set of Financial Education Literacy which is downloadable in your back office.
This is an automated system, it will sell the products for you once you invite 4 people. All you have to do is sit back and relax.
Also in your back office you can keep track of your earnings and view your team's growth using the genealogy.
Also great Customer Support from the company and in the back office is where corporate post news and updates.

I was skeptical about this biz till my friend who has been doing and disturbing me came home and showed me his $1600 available balance and his #260000 withdrawal into his account....
I hurried to register this year, precisely on 20th Jan (my birthday).  It's an opportunity of a lifetime.

To register click the link below and fill in necessary details

The earlier you join the better your chances of growing fast in the business.

Note: For Nigerian friends, take action quickly before 1 Naira will attain free fall against the dollar.

Take this risk now, and I promise you'll never have the course to regret this.

Click the link above or below to join and start making money.

Let's meet at the top.

"The biggest people in the world look for and build networks. everyone else look for work"

The main reason people struggle financially is because they have spent years in school but learned nothing about money.The result is that people learn to work for money .... but never learn to have money work for them. Aim High!


ICT refers to information and communication technology and is defined as an umbrella term that includes any communication device or applicat...