Wednesday 10 October 2018


Please click on the download link below to download the note.


Note: the pictures in the note are for easy recognition only. You do not have to draw them.

Sunday 19 August 2018



Students' Casual shoes, Canvas shoes, Wristwatches (male and female) available for sale at affordable and reasonable prices. 

Pre-order ongoing! 

Check out the shoes and wristwatches and make your order by dropping your comment in the comment box below or you contact me onWhatsapp.

1. Men Casual Shoe

Size: 41, 43
Colour: Black (As seen in the picture)

2. Men Casual Shoe

Amount:  #6,500
ColourBlack (As seen in the picture)

3. Mens' wristwatches (Dual quartz and digital)
Amount:  #7,500
Quantity: 3
ColourSilver black (as seen in the picture)

4. Men's Wristwatches 
Amount:  #5000
Colour: Silver white, Gold white 

5. Couples Wristwatch

Amount:  #13,000
ColourSilver Gold ( as seen in the picture)

6. Mens casual shoe
Amount:  #4,500 - #5,000
Quantity: 3
Size= 41, 42, 43
ColourBlack (as seen in the picture) 

7. Men Canvas shoe

Amount:  #6,500-#7,000
Quantity: 2
ColourBlack and blue 

You can pre-order any of the above before it get out of stock.

All the prices are fixed and the waybill is not included. We discuss how to get it through to your doorstep.

For enquiry and order, please contact me on any of the below contacts, preferably whatsapp.


Facebook: Obasa Mustapha

Whatsapp and call: +2347037805203

This advert valid until the last item is sold

Tuesday 14 August 2018



Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for the following vacant positions in Lagos State University Staff School, Ojo, Lagos.


SUBJECT AREA: Home Economics, Sciences, Mathematics, English/Phonetics, Yoruba, Hausa,
Music, Physical/Health Education, French Language, Fine Arts and Computer.


A good honours Degree in Education (in the subject applied for) with minimum of Second Class Lower Division and Three (3) years post qualification experience. Additional qualification will be an advantage.


Qualification:University Degree (honours) in Accounting Education with one (1) year post qualification experience; OR HND (Credit with at least Lower Credit) in Accounting plus one (1) year post qualification experience. Additional qualification will be an advantage.



WAEC/SSCE/GCE with Five (5) Credits Passes including English Language and Six (6) years work experience. Additional qualification will be an added advantage.


QualificationsA good honours Degree or HND/NCE in Secretariat Studies from a recognized Institution not below Credit Level, with one (1) year experience. Additional qualification and Computer literacy will be an added advantage.


Interested and qualified candidates should forward their detailed Applications, which should include Ten (10) photocopies of Candidate’s Credentials (O’ Level Result inclusive) and Ten (10) copies of signed Curriculum Vitae to be presented in the following order:
  • Name in Full with Surname first (boldly written)
  • Place and Date of Birth
  • State of Origin
  • Permanent Address
  • Current Postal Address
  • Nationality
  • Marital Status
  • Number and Ages of Children
  • Academic/Professional Qualifications (with Dates and Institutions)
  • Statement of experience including full details of former and present position
  • Other activities outside current employment
  • Name, Address and Telephone Numbers of (3) Referees' Telephone and E-mail Address (Self).
Candidates should please include Three (3) self-addressed envelopes with Fifty Naira (N50.00) stamp only on each. All applications with Credentials should be addressed to:

The Registrar,
Lagos State University,
Badagry Expressway, Ojo,
P.M.B. 0001,
Lagos State University Post Office, Ojo,
Lagos State.

Application Deadline: 30th August, 2018.
Note: Applicants should indicate the positions applied for on the envelope containing their applications.

Wednesday 8 August 2018


Hello friends,

Its another wonderful day right here. As a matter of fact, I've been motivated to create this post to help some of my students that have been showing lack of confidence and I feel totally unhappy seeing them killing their God-given talents. I'm feeling pretty confident and I want to share with you all a few tricks that will boost your self-confidence. So lets go ahead!

What is Self-Confidence?
Simply put, Self-confidence is the belief in oneself and ones abilities, it describe an internal state made up of what we feel and think about ourselves. If you belief in yourself and your abilities at any time, we can agree that you are self-confident.

There are times when the you feel down and low in self-confidence and there are times you feel full of confidence. Most times your present state of self-confidence or otherwise may be as a result of your past experiences. If you've always had wonderful experiences, the confidence level may be high always. If you have had bitter experience(s), this can lead to a bad state of mind and your self-confidence will take a free fall. At this point, you must understand that, what has happened is in the past and your ability to release yourself from the prison of your past will have a greater effect in your current state of mind and your future.

Self-confidence is not a magical or mystical thing. Either you have it or not,it can be developed. I have identified few things that I have done that have dramatically and tremendously impacted my self-confidence and today I want to share them with you.

1. Eliminate negative people from your live
Negativity is contagious than any form of contagious diseases. If you surround yourself with negative little pieces of cancerous people in your life, they directly impact your confidence level in a negative way. Negative nasty people, I mean bad nasty people. You must get rid of these negative people. The bad thing is, they are everywhere, at school, in the family, friends, co-workers etc. They are energy vampires as they suck up the drive to success and determination in you. So you have to get rid of them. If your friends do not have any positive impact on you, why staying with them?. It might be pretty tough in the immediate but in the long run it pays. 

2. Compliment others
How does it feel getting compliments from people? Yeah, It feels incredible. The thing about compliment is this: when somebody gives you a compliment, you tend to like them more, automatically. You'll be like, I thought he was a jack, so he is this cool. Wow! The beauty here is that the person that receives compliment feels incredible and you feel great for making him/her feel incredible and they like you more. The other good thing about giving compliment is that it helps you develop your people skill leading to self-confidence and increase your social prowess.

3. Have a good body (shape) 
Do something for your body everyday. This might be taking a walk, jogging, doing fitness exercise that will give your body a good shape. You can be doing 40 push-ups, 15 sit-ups, it doesn't matter how little or much, just keep doing something consciously for your body everyday. Apart from that, you must also consider your diet, eat balanced diet. Eat good protein, including chicken lean beef and fish. Healthy fats like egg, avocado, nuts and seeds and stop eating starchy carbs, high sugar fruits and fizzy fruit. When you start to take care of your body, there is a direct impact on the way you feel about yourself and your self-confidence skyrockets.

4. Develop your brain
Everyday your brain is hungry and you need to feed it. What do you feed it with? Knowledge. Give it knowledge, stimulate it, make it think. Unfortunately, people are afraid or lazy to think these days. If you give your brain much knowledge, you tend to think creatively, constructively and critically. Go read a book, newspaper and get your brain filled with the right knowledge and you'll be respected based on what you know and can relate with. With your level of knowledge, your confidence snowballed.

5. Help somebody everyday
You can imagine how good and amazing you feel after you do something nice for someone, not because you've got money or because a bunch of other people see it. You just do something good as if its a normal thing to do and of course it is a normal thing but then some people do good for the sake of "I did that" and "I want them to know". Just let the good come from the depth of your heart and you'll feel fulfilled having done good to someone else. Do it for the sake of God and see you self-confidence grow.

There you have it. I have been using the above to boost my confidence and I can assure you, if you can sincerely adopt, try and use it, you are on the verge of having a perfect self-confidence.

And don't forget to keep smiling , its another self-confidence booster.

If you feel this information is quite useful, drop a comment in the comment section below.


Sunday 5 August 2018



Often times, I've heard students complain about not having the confidence to stand up and ask questions in the classroom during lesson. One of the noticeable things that happen in the class during the teaching and learning process is that some students lack the confidence to stand up and ask the teacher questions. Their reason is that they may get shut down by colleagues. Yes! It is true that we have student (boys and girls) that have taken it as a job to be booing or shouting at their colleagues when they try to ask questions. Some have claimed to have some reasons while others have none. Be that as it may, shutting a colleague down in the process of asking a question is not cool.

A typical classroom is filled with students with myriads of individual differences. These individual differences can be in terms of strength, intelligence, smartness or whatever adjective you can use. We have students that are fast at understanding concepts or ideas while some will go through series of explanations before assimilating. Some are good at one subject than the others and that is how it is  everywhere. A teacher is expected to identify such individual differences and be able to manage the classroom situation to cater for all level of differences. Having known your ability and strength, you should never feel restrained from questioning if you have any.

A student who wants to ask question to get more understanding of a fact or concept need not fear any intimidation from his/her colleagues. He/she should go ahead and ask the teacher. Though, in some situation, students that do not pay attention while the teacher was explaining may want to ask a question thereby retarding the pace of the teaching and learning process. Such a student may be considered not serious and this act can infuriate the others and thereby engendering the kind of reaction from them. As much as they don't have the right not to allow anyone that wants to ask questions to do so, the questioner also must understand he/she is there to learn and paying undivided attention in the class is a priority. It is unethical, unwise and wrong of you to shout or try to shut anyone down whatever the reason. Allow the teacher to handle the classroom management.

You should know that asking questions is one way of getting some form of clarifications on a certain learning task or topic being taught in the classroom. This questioning and subsequent clarification increase your knowledge and understanding. It must be noted that you may forget the question you may want to ask if you get you bum glued to the chair and your mouth sealed during the teaching and learning. Should you have no other means of knowing what you intend to ask question about, this may affect your academic performance in that subject at the long run. Also, remember that you haven't come to the school from the same home and none of these people that shut you down paid your tuition fee. Should you fail as a result of this, your parent wont listen to this excuse.

So next time you have questions to ask or any clarification to make in the course of teaching and learning, be bold, stand up and ask your questions. If they yell at you, assume it the dogs backing. Remember, the teacher is ready to listen to you.

See you on the other side. Enjoy!.

If you feel you are not confident enough or you lack self-esteem, Click on the link below to read on the SECRET OF BOOSTING SELF-CONFIDENCE.

Thursday 19 April 2018


·         Definition of program
·         Characteristics of a good program
·         Steps in program development
·         Description of the steps in program development
·         Compilation and interpretation of program
·         How compiler and interpreter works
·         Definitions of algorithm and flowchart
·         Functions of algorithm
·         Characteristics of algorithm
·         Writing algorithm for problem solving
·         Flowchart symbols and their uses
·         Flowchart examples

·         Definition of internet
·         Definition of terms – browse, browser, chat room, cyber café, download, home page, e-mail, html, http, internet service provider etc.
·         Internet services – e-mail, search engine, telnet, ftp, www etc
·         Benefits of the internet
·         Problems of the internet

Meaning of a Program
A computer program is a general term used to describe the set of instructions that the computer use to performs a specific task.  A computer program is usually written by a computer programmer using a programming language.
Characteristics of a Good Program
A good computer program should have following characteristics:
  • Portability: Portability refers to the ability of an application to run on different platforms (operating systems) with or without minimal changes.
  • Readability: The program should be written in such a way that it makes other programmers or users to follow the logic of the program without much effort.
  • Efficiency: Every program requires certain processing time and memory to process the instructions and data. A program should be laid out in such a manner that it utilizes the least amount of memory and processing time.
  • Structural: To develop a program, the task must be broken down into a number of subtasks which are developed independently, and each subtask is able to perform the assigned job without the help of any other subtask. If a program is developed structurally, it becomes more readable, and the testing and documentation process also gets easier.
  • Flexibility: A good program should allow changes without having to rewrite the entire program. Most programs are developed for a certain period and they require modifications from time to time.
  • Accuracy/Correctness: Accuracy ensures that the program does what it is meant to do according to the design specification.
  • Generality: Generality means that if a program is developed for a particular task, then it should also be used for all similar tasks of the same domain. For example, if a program is developed for a particular organization, then it should suit all the other similar organizations.
  •  Maintainability: Maintainability is the ease with which changes can be made to the program to satisfy new requirements. Maintainability allows the program to be upgraded or revised when the need arises.
  •  Reusability: Reusability is the ease with which a program can be reused in developing other program. By reusing existing program, developers can create more complex program in a shorter amount of time.
  •  Clarity: The program should be clear enough to be understood by others.
  •  Security: This ensures that the software protects the information it is responsible for.
  •  User-friendliness: It ensures that the program is easy to use by the intended users. It should have a sensitive user interface that will enable the user to interact with the program without any difficulty.
  •  Robustness: The program should be provided with the mechanism to respond to unexpected conditions, e.g., if wrong input is entered into it.
Steps In Program Development
Before coding of a good program, there must be a proper planning and steps on how the problem or program will be stored.
The steps include the following:

  • 1.       Problem definition
  • 2.       Problem analysis
  • 3.       Algorithm/Flowcharting
  • 4.       Desk checking
  • 5.       Program coding
  • 6.       Program compilation
  • 7.       Program testing and debugging
  • 8.       Program documentation.

  1.         Problem Definition: Entails defining and understanding the problem statement and deciding the boundaries of the problem. In this phase we need to understand the problem statement, what is our requirement, what should be the output of the problem solution? These are defined in this first phase of the program development life cycle.
  2.        Problem Analysis: The requirements like variables, functions, or resources to solve the problem are gathered.
  3.       Algorithm/Flowcharting: During this phase, a step by step procedure to solve the problem using the specification given in the previous phase is developed.
  4.          Desk checking: This involves manual checking of the logic of a program for correctness
  5.      Coding: This phase involves using a programming language to write or implement actual programming instructions for the steps defined in the previous phase. In this phase, we construct actual program. That means we write the program to solve the given problem using programming languages like C, C++, Java etc.,
  6.       Program compilation: Compilation is the process whereby the source program (program written in other language different from machine language), is translated into machine readable code. A compiler does the job of compilation.
  7.           Testing & Debugging: During this phase, we check whether the code written in previous step is solving the specified problem or not, i.e. check whether input data will provide desired output or not.
  8.     Maintenance: During this phase, the program is actively used by the users. If the user encounters any problem or wants any enhancement, then we need to repeat all the phases from the starting, so that the encountered problem is solved or enhancement is added.
  9.            Documentation: Program documentation includes hard-copy or electronic manuals that enable users, program developers, and operators to interact successfully with a program, e.g. user manual (a description of software commands and troubleshooting guide).
Compilation and interpretation of program
A compiler translates the entire program (source code/program) written in a high level language into an intermediate form called (object code/program), which can be directly executed by the machine.  On the other hand, an interpreter does not produce an object code but translate the source program line by line directly into machine language.
Examples of compiled programs languages are: C, C++, C#, Ada, ALGOL, Java, COBOL, Visual Basic, Lisp, FORTRAN, Pascal
Examples of interpreted languages are: QBASIC, JavaScript, PHP, ASP, APL
How a compiler works
The brain of the compiler is the parser. It knows the syntax (rule) of the source language or the grammatical rules that determine how the source statements are written. Whenever the parser needs more of the source program statements to work on, it calls upon the scanner. The scanner reads in the source program statement and breaks it into a sequence of tokens – words, numbers, identifiers, operators etc. It hands them one at a time to the parser whenever the parser calls for the next one.

The parser also knows the semantics (meaning) of the source language. The parser’s knowledge of the semantics enables it to call the code generator to produce the object code, which performs the operation specified by the instruction. This continues until the entire program has been read in and translated.
How an interpreter works
Just like the compiler, an interpreter also has a parser that controls it. Its scanner does the same job as that of the compiler. However, an interpreter has an executor instead of the code generator.

Algorithm can also be defined as a procedure consisting of a series of steps which specify a sequence of operations that provides the solution to a problem.
An algorithm is a finite set of an instruction that specifies a sequence of operations to be carried out in order to solve a specific problem. It is a detailed sequence of simple steps that are needed to solve a problem.
Pseudocode is a detailed yet readable description of an algorithm, expressed in a formally-styled natural language rather than in a programming language. It is very similar to everyday English.
A flowchart is a pictorial representation of an algorithm in which the steps are drawn in the form of different shapes of boxes and the logical flow is indicated by interconnecting arrows.The boxes represent operations and the arrows represent the sequence in which the operations are implemented.
A flowchart is a diagrammatical representation of an algorithm.
Functions of algorithm
  1.    It provides a step-by-step solution to a problem
  2.     It is used to prove that a problem has a solution
  3.     It is used to give a sense of direction to the steps of solving a problem
  4.     It may also be used to show that a problem does not have a solution

Characteristics of an algorithm
  1.      Finiteness: it specifies an exact number of steps to be taken and has an end
  2.      Absence of ambiguity: it shows that every instruction is clearly and precisely specified
  3.       Sequence of execution: it shows how the instructions are performed from top to bottom
  4.      Effectiveness: it ensures that the solution prescribed is guaranteed to give a correct answer and that the specified process is faithfully carried out.
  5.      Input and output: these defines the unknowns of the problem specified and the expected output
  6.      Scope definition: it specifies precisely the problem or class of problem
  7.      Independence: algorithm is language independent

Example 1: Calculate the Interest of a Bank Deposit
Step 1: Start
Step 2: Read amount,
Step 3: Read years,
Step 4: Read rate,
Step 5: Calculate the interest with formula “Interest=Amount*Years*Rate/100
Step 6: Print interest
Step 7: Stop
Example 2: Algorithm to Determine and Output Whether Number N is Even or Odd
Step 1: Start
Step 2: Read number N,
Step 3: Set remainder as N modulo (divide) 2,
Step 4: If remainder is equal to 0 then number N is even, else number N is odd,
Step 5: Print output.
Step 6: Stop
Example 3: Algorithm to Print 1 to 20:
Step 1: Start
Step 2: Initialize X as 0,
Step 3: Increment X by 1,
Step 4: Print X,
Step 5: If X is less than 20 then go back to step 2.
Step 6: Stop

Flowchart symbols, name and uses

Below are the corresponding flowcharts
Flowchart for example 1: Calculate the Interest of a Bank Deposit
Flowchart for example 2: Determine and Output Whether Number N is Even or Odd
Flowchart for example3: Print 1 to 20

The Internet is the global system of interconnected computer networks that use the Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to link billions of devices worldwide. It is an international network for communication, where millions of computers are connected together. It is the largest computer network in the world.
Definition of some basic terms
  1. Home page: is an introductory page of a website, typically serving as a table of contents for the site. It is an initial page or point of entry to all information stored within.
  2. Web page: is a single page of information on a website.
  3. Website: is a collection of related web pages (document that are accessed through the internet), typically identified with a common web address or domain name or URL (Uniform Resource Locator), published on at least one web server. Examples are,, etc.
  4. HyperText Markup Language, commonly referred to as HTML, is the standard markup language used to create web pages. Web browsers can read HTML files and render them into visible and audible web pages.
  5. A protocol can be defined as set of rules and regulations that determine how data is transmitted in telecommunications and computer networking
  6. HyperText Transfer Protocol, HTTP is the underlying protocol used by the World Wide Web. HTTP defines how messages are formatted and transmitted, and what actions Web servers and browsers should take in response to various commands.
  7. Upload: this is the process of transferring files from a local computer to another (remote) computer on the World Wide Web.
  8. Cyber cafe: this is a place to use computer to access the internet, create document, chat with friends using voice and video as well as a number of other computer related tasks.
  9. Browser: A browser or a web browser is an application program with a graphical user interface for displaying HTML files, used to navigate the World Wide Web. Technically, a Web browser is a client program that uses HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) to make requests of Web servers throughout the Internet on behalf of the browser user.  Examples include Mozilla Firefox, Apple safari, Opera Mini, Lynx , Flock, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, UC browser, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge  etc.
  10. Internet Service Provider (ISP): an organization that provides individuals and other companies’ access to the internet. Examples include MTN, Airtel, 9mobile, Smile etc.

Internet services
  1. ·       E-mail (Electronic mail): this is a message sent from one person to another, or many others through the internet connected computers.
  2. ·         Telnet is a user command and an underlying TCP/IP protocol for accessing remote computers.
  3. ·     Usenet (Users network) is an early non-centralized computer network for the discussion of particular topics and the sharing of files via newsgroups. Newsgroups are Internet discussion forums where groups of users with common interests gather to talk about everything from software to comic books to politics.
  4. ·         File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard network protocol used to transfer computer files from one host to another host over a TCP-based network, such as the Internet.
  5. ·    World Wide Web (WWW) is a network of online content that is formatted in HTML (connected by hyperlinks and URL) and accessed via HTTP. A system of Internet servers that support specially formatted documents. The documents are formatted in a markup language called HTML.
  6. ·         Search engine:  this is a computer program that retrieves documents or data from a database or from a computer network (especially from the internet). It is an utility for finding information on the internet.

Benefits of the internet
  • ·         It provides quick access to almost any kind of information
  • ·       It is a fast, cheap and effective means of communicating and exchanging information all over the world
  • ·         E-commerce: buying and selling has been made possible through the internet
  • ·       Job opportunities such as graphic designing, blogging, freelance writing etc. have been made possible
  • ·         It is an avenue for advertisement of goods and services
  • ·         Online training and seminar called WEBINARS are made possible
  • ·  Online degree/E-learning: the internet provides us the opportunity to learn and earn degree/certificates by taking online classes.
  • ·         Online banking

Abuse of the internet
  1. ·         Hacking: using the internet to gain unauthorized access to people’s computers
  2. ·         Fraud: fraudulent activity involves any attempt to unlawfully obtain money from unsuspecting users
  3. ·    Copyright violation: someone’s electronic content can be copied without due reference or permission
  4. ·       Virus distribution: internet users are prone to downloading virus and other malicious program when downloading software/files from illegitimate website on the internet.
  5. ·         Pornography: the internet is flooded with websites that are pornographic in nature
  6. ·         Cyber bullying: using the internet to threaten and bully someone
  7. ·         Spamming: sending unsolicited messages to individual or network groups through the internet.


ICT refers to information and communication technology and is defined as an umbrella term that includes any communication device or applicat...